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Friday, 12 October 2012

Guest columnist - Ask Imbi!

Digby has invited his Australian friend Imbi (more commonly known as Noodle Brains) to help out on his blog! He took the opportunity to seek her advice on a very serious issue. Not only is she here for Digby, but she's here for you, too! Details on submitting your own question will be at the end of this post.

Imbi and her family (fuzzy and bipedal - Phyllis is both) can be found on Facebook, Instagram and at miyowandbarkley.com.

 Imbi is ready to answer your questions! Doesn't she look lubbly and thsmart?

Dear Imbi

I think something strange is going on at our house. The humans are acting all weird. Instead of taking me to the beach every day after work they're taking me for a walk in the street and then when we get home I'm expected to eat instead of play, even though it's light outside now. They're packing all of our things into boxes (even my glasses and plaid shirt!) and taping them up. I don't want to give away all of my things! Thankfully the treat jar has been untouched but they just keep going! Soon we'll run out of things to put in boxes - will they then just get more things and fill our entire lives with cardboard?

Sometimes I try to stop this behaviour by destroying the boxes. There's more of them hiding in the other room and the more I chew the boxes and rip them to shreds, the more they bring home! I think the humans might be unwell. My question is, should I take them to the vet, or try to nurse them at home? And what do I do about the beach until then? I'm missing my friends and I'm worried that the humans will never recover and we'll have to live in a box, too!  I can't live in a box. What will all the other dogs think?



Noodle Brains - ''Hurro Digby,

Firstht of all I justht want to thsay, fanksth for habbing me here today.
Now asth you know, I fink foughts a lot and stho I hab fought a lot about your thsituation! I hab told mummy to twansthlate my finking into typing wordsth wifout my accthent, thso you can wead my thsmartness more easthier.

Hmm it sounds like your mummy might be moving house!? I know this can be a very stressful situation, especially because it's hard for us to understand their Engrish meaning sometimes. If you are feels unsure about where you may be going, this could have triggered your new ''behaving issues'' like chewing all those nummy boxes up...but I know myself boxes taste nummy cause I am having starving time everyday! Its hard when you can't understand Engrish very well, so I bets you are absorbing your mummy's emotions: if they are feeling anxious, scattered and chaotic, then that could explain why you are feeling the same.

If you are moving, tell your servants...sorry MUM, I meant, tell your mummy to keep your routine schedule for feeding, walks, playtime, cuddling and bedtime as close to what you are used to cause when we moved, this made me feel the safest ever!

Noodle Brains - ''Fanksth for dat mum, I finksth mine engrish isth was weally dood when you use all dosthe typing wordsth.
Digby, I finkths you can't take your humansth to the betsth causthe thsometimes they will hab to thstay in the hosthpital all the daysth, den who will gib you dosthe nummy bacon onesth? Me finkths you should call the beach insthpectorsth and tell dem that you are habbing wifdrawingsth from dat beach and maybe they can thsend you thsome sthand to do thzoomiesth in? I lub libbing in boxesth for chenny minutesth causthe if you det hungwy you dustht hab a thsnack on the cornersth and fingsth. I weally and tweally hope all disth talking thstuff helps you. Lub you...X''

If you have a question for Imbi email it to digby@digbyvanwinkle.com or message Digby on Facebook! Imbi will carefully select her favourites and answer them over the coming weeks.


  1. Such beautiful thoughts from such a beautiful Imbi. Love her ^_^

    Good luck with the moving Digby! We're all so excited to see pictures of you in your new home.

  2. I'm glad Noodle Brains is here to help Digby with his situation.

